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Best School For Your Child

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Play Ground

schools focus on creating a natural play environment for the studnets to provide physical, social, and mental growth. Free play opportunities have been found to have a calming effect on disciplinary matters and impulsive behaviour...

Music and Dance

This is an excellent facility for a growing and dynamic department. The Music School and dance is home to both Hindustani Classical and Western music. Studnets have access to individual rooms, a music library and a recital room. ...

Arts and Crafts

The building has been designed to incorporate natural light and enough space to enable the students as well as professional artists to be inspired by their surroundings to enhacne thier skills in differnt platform...

Safe Transportation

School authorities take the utmost care to ensure that the transport system for children is optimized, even the children should be able to look after themselves. When the children are on the bus, they are usually unmonitored. It gives a gap to senior students to bully the younger ones...

Healthy food

Healthy food in schools is important for students' growth, development, and learning. Our Schools use different methods to ensure students have access to nutritious meals, such as distributing food baskets or reinforcing food and nutrition education...

Educational Tour

Educational trips provide studentswith a chance to learn about a particular place or subject in a more interactive and immersive way. For instance, visiting a historical site or a museum helps students better understand the history and culture of a place....

Our Mission

Our mission is to develop good human beings, capable of independent rational thought and action, with compassion and humaneness, with courage and resilience, with scientific temper and creative groundbreaking imagination, with a manifestation of a progressive and peaceful society.

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